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Saturday, May 31, 2008

Promoting My Book

It may sound strange but I think promoting my book may be more involved than writing it. The promotion that I have going right now is the "Signed Copy Giveway." I have a contest posted on my website for people to submit entries in order to win a signed copy of Soul Survivor. I am planning to have it go through mid June but that depends on whether I get anyone to enter the contest. Other steps that I have taken to promote my book are:
  • Asked friends and friends of friends to promote the book on their blog by promoting the contest
  • Created a MySpace page and am trying to get friends
  • Created different graphics that can be used to post on various websites
  • Sent my book to a few news outlets and sent emails to a number of radio stations and TV stations in hopes of getting a story
I anticipate that my book will show up on at some point in June and perhaps that will help but I'm not going to rely on osmosis to get the word out. Some of the books have sold already but I need to increase awareness in a more significant way.


deesha said...

Hi! I would love to promote your book with 2 disclaimers: 1. Email me and let me know what to write :)

deesha said...

oh yeah - 2. not a lot of people read my blog :)